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The 10X Rules

1. What is the 10X Rule?​


  • What are two parts of the 10X Rule?
    • The 10X of more action
    • The 10X of way thinking
  • What are the four biggest mistakes people make when setting goals?
    • Mistargeting by setting objectives that are too low and don’t allow for enough correct motivation
    • Severely underestimating what it will take in terms of actions, resources, money, and energy to accomplish the target
    • Spending too much time competing and not enough time dominating their sector.
    • Underestimating the amount of adversity they will need to overcome in order to actually attain desired goals.
  • Why is it a problem to set a goal too low?
    • Only your 10X target gets really pay off!
      • Why spend your life making only enough money to end up with not enough money?
      • Why work out in the gym only once a week, just to get sore and never see a change in your body type?
      • Why get merely "good" at something when you know the marketplace only rewards excellence?
  • Are you ready to 10X?
    • BIG YES!!

2. Why the 10X Rule is Vital​

  • What is the first reaction that most people have when they are not hitting their target?
    • Reduce the target rather than increase their activity
  • When you start making excuses for why you aren't hitting targets, what should that indicate to you?
    • These should be an indication that you're getting off track -- that you should begin thinking in terms of correcting your initial estimation of effort.
  • Fill in the following. The 10X Rule assumes the target is never Problem . Any target attacked with in the right actions in the right amounts with persistence is attainable.
  • Approach every situation with an "in it to win it whatever it takes" mindset - that is the outlook required to win nowadays.
  • Success doesn’t merely happen, it is the result of relentless, proper actions taken over time. Only those operate with the appropriate view and corresponding action will have success.
  • The more actions you take, the better your chances are getting "lucky."

3. What is success?​

  • The most crucial things about success:
    • Success is important.
    • Success is your duty.
    • There is no shortage of success.
  • What are some cute sayings you have heard about success that diminish its importance?
    • "success is a journey, not a destination.". When terrible economic contractions occur, everyone quickly realizes they can't eat or make house payment with cute little sayings.
  • How would being successful be important to you, and how would it improve your life?
    • Success is equally important to a person's sense of self. It promotes confidence, imagination, and a sense of security and emphasizes the significance of making a contribution.

4. Success is your duty​

  • Success should be approached as your duty, obligation and responsibility.
  • Write in your own words how success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility.
    • Success is my duty and my obligation to serve and help my parent financially and give them opportunity to go to makkah. And responsible to success to support and to contribute to my family for better living.
  • Write two examples of how you lie to yourself about success.
    • Success is for people who have much capital to start their career.
    • Success is only for the high class people who have their environment, family support for their growth.
  • What are two things that are important to know about success?
    • Success must be approached from an ethical viewpoint. Success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility!
    • People who completely commit themselves to success seem to get lucky in life. Someone once said, "the harder I work, the luckier I get."

5. There is no shortage to success​

  • Write down an example of shortages of success that you have seen.
    • Zero sum game. But success is not zero sum game. Success is not commodity or resource that has limited reserves.
  • How are so-called shortages actually created?
    • The moment you start thinking someone else's gain is your loss, you limit yourself by thinking in term of competition and shortages.
  • There exist no shortages of success, but what is there truly a shortage of?
    • Poor way of thinking that success is limited ad zero sum game.

6. Assume control for everything​

  • What do you want to assume control in your life?
    • Control in life is about responsibility to take action for achieving success.
  • Success is not something that happens to you; it's something that happens because of you and because of the actions you take.
  • Write three examples when you made success happen, it didn’t just happen to you.
    • Its happen because of something I did or did not do. Eg. Win robotic team, scholarship, best paper is actually happen because I take action and responsibility to success.
  • What are four consistent factors in the life of the victim?
    • Bad things happen to them
    • Bad things happen often
    • They are always involved, and
    • Someone or something else is always to blame.
  • When the physical universe keeps slapping you around and it's not getting any better, you may want to consider that things happen not just but luck and happenstance but that you have something to do with what is happening - or it would not have involved you.
  • keep on thing in mind: anytime you play victim in order to "be right," you are taking on the identity of a victim, and that can't be a good thing.
  • Nothing happens to me, it happens because of me.

7. Four degree of action​

  • Four degree of action
    • Do nothing
    • Retreat
    • Take normal levels of action.
    • Take massive action.
  • When was a time in your life when you were taking massive action and winning?
    • Winning robotic competition
    • Winning skill competition.
    • Got scholarship.
    • Best paper award.
  • What will you immediately create when you take massive action?
    • Problems, that will transform into success in your specific area
  • What can you expect those who don't take massive action to say to those who do?
    • The first till the third degree of action will put down who do massive action.
  • What other things may happen as you start to take massive action?
    • Making massive action a discipline will break you through obscurity, increase your value to the market place, and help you generate success in any area you elect.

8. Average is failing formula​

  • Write down the names of people who you know operate at only average levels.
    • All my classmate
  • Write down three times in your life when average actions caused you to come up short
    • Having problem with my final project and thesis
  • Write down the names of people who you know are exceptional and describe how they are different from average
    • Elon musk for sure.
  • Look up the definition of average (as an adjective) and write it here.
    • Constituting the result obtained by adding together several quantities and then dividing this total by the number of quantities.

9. 10X Goals​

  • Never set realistic goals; you can get a realistic life without setting goals for it.
  • The rule of goal setting
    • You are setting these for you-not for anyone else
    • Anything is possible
    • You have much more potential than you realize
    • Success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility
    • There is no shortage of success
    • Regardless of size of the goal, it will require work.
  • Write down how your upbringing has influenced your goal setting.
    • It is related to 10x rule of way thinking. Normal education will attract you to normal life (mediocre)
  • What are some goals you would set if you knew you could achieve them?
    • I will set big goal that satisfy my life purpose to give contribution in my environment and my religion.
  • What are other goals/purposes that align with primary goals that would further fuel your actions?
    • Build successful agrotech startup and got 1 billion asset to support the charity of islam education.

10. Competition is for sissies​

  • What is the difference between dominating and competing
    • Dominating is leading the market without look at what someone else or competitor doing. You are at the level beyond competition you are the space of the competition it self.
  • If competition is healthy, domination is, is immunity
  • Think about domination like this: you can't dominate if you don’t penetrate, and you won't penetrate by using reasonable levels of activity.
  • Two things will happen when you take the right amount of action:
    • You will get a new set of problems, and
    • Your competition will start promoting you.
  • What is the difference between best practice and only practice?
    • Only practice is you take actions to a point considered unreasonable by the world, where you are doing those things that only you and your company would, could, or are willing to do.
    • Best practice is what most people do in competition.
  • What are some practices you can do that would separate you from your competition?

11. Breaking out of the middle class​

  • Before you read this chapter, what was your understanding of the middle class.
    • Middle income class who continually do average things in his life hope to attain their goal in life. "middle-class mentality"
  • What are the income levels of middle class?
    • Between $35.000 - $50.000
  • What does middle class means to you?
    • Its better described as mousetrap with a big fat piece of cheese on it. (Rat race as robert kiyosaki says)

12. Obsession isn't a disease; it's a gift​

  • Write down the names of three obsessed people who did something great.
    • Steve Jobs
    • Elon Musk
    • Jack Ma
  • What good thing do you need to be obsessed about again?
    • 10X goal
  • Why it is better to be obsessed than not?
    • Being obsessed is the fuel of the 10X rule, first obsessed person will set 10 goal and then they will have best effort to do 10X action.
  • What goal would cause you to become obsessed?
    • Big goal that make purpose to your life, because making the goal to small won't allow you to gather the right fuel or take the right amount of action to break through the resistance, competition, and changing conditions.

13. Go "All In" and Overcommit​

  • What does it mean to go "all in"?
    • Put all the efforts, creativity, energy, ideas, and persistence to attain the goal.
  • Why do most members of society discourage this?
    • Because we are taught to play it safe and not to put everything at risk
  • What is the reason why salespeople fail?
    • Because they aren't put all in and fear of rejection or failure.
  • Fill in the following: if you---commit and ---deliver, you'll make yourself grow because---
  • Why do we want new problems?
    • Problems are sign of progress and action, if we cant find problem we can’t deliver of problem solving.

14. Expand-Never Contract​

  • What are some ways you can expand that only require energy and creativity, not money?
    • Get of from the sofa and push yourself with 10X rule to dominate the market by using all in.
  • When have you ever benefited from contraction?
    • NEVER!
  • When have you expanded your efforts? What results did you see?
    • GROWTH.

15. Burn the place down​

  • What is the fire you have always wanted to start and add wood to?
    • Got successful at my tech business company
  • What three things could you do to add wood to that fire?
    • Finish my education first! And get a lot of theoretical strategy to dominate in my business industry.
    • Startup my agrotech at all in.
    • Expand, dominate and got monopoly in my business sector.
  • Who can you get support from in order to continue stoking your fire?
    • Family first, policy, mentor and investor.

16. Fear is the great indicator​

  • Fear isn't bad or something to avoid; conversely, it's something you want to seek and embrace. Fear is actually a sign that you are doing what's needed to move in the right direction.
  • FEAR stands for False Events Appearing Real. It's provoke by emotions, not rational thinking.
  • FEAR is a sign to do whatever it is you fear -- and do it quickly. Refuse to feed your fear with time and allow it to get stronger.
  • When you allow fear to set you back, you lose energy, momentum, and confidence -- and your fears will only grow.
  • What are your three biggest fears?
    • Fear of failure of making my parent proud of me.
    • Fear of being incapability or incompetent.
  • Whom do you fear contracting who could help you or improve your business?
    • My supervisor may be can help me.
  • What do you learn about fear in this chapter?
    • Fear, like fire, is not something from which you should pull away. Rather, it should be used to fuel the actions of your life. Fear is compass for your next massive action.

17. The myth of time management​

  • The only way to increase time is to get more done in the time you have
  • To really understand, manage, maximize, and squeeze every opportunity out of the time you have, you have to fully understand and appreciate how much of it you have available to you.
  • Most people only work enough so that it feels like work, whereas successful people work at a pace that gets such satisfying results that work is a reward.
  • How much time you are at work each day?
  • An easy way to achieve balance is to simply work harder while you are at the office. This won't just leave you with more time; it will allow you to experience the rewards of your job and make it feel less like work and more like success.
  • Be grateful to go to work, and see how much you can get done in the time you have. Make it a race, a challenge-make it fun.
  • The busier you become, the more you have to manage, control, and prioritize. If you start with a commitment to success and then agree to control time, you will create an agenda that accommodates all you want.
  • Ow much time do you spend on wasteful actifities each day. (e.g., overspleeping, social media, TV etc.)?
    • A lot until I read this chapter I was a youtube addict.
  • What are some of your own time wasters?
    • Being online and consume social media.
  • What has this chapter taught you about time?
    • I have to prioritize my time that wood my fire to success and live with 10x Rule in my work.

18. Criticism is a sign of success​

  • When you start taking the right amount of action and therefore creating success, criticism s often not far behind
  • No matter what choices you make in life, someone is going to criticize you somewhere along the way. Wouldn't you rather receive it from people who are jealous of your success than from your family, boss, or bill collectors for not taking enough action?
  • What have you learned about criticism now?
    • Criticism is sign of you are making progress to success, people envy and feel intimidated by your progress so they criticize you.
  • What criticisms would you most like to hear from people?
    • I like the criticism that come from my 10X rule of action and making massive progress to become successful rather than criticism from not doing anything the best for my contribution in family, relation etc.
  • Give three examples of when you have seen people go from criticizing others to admiring them.

19. Customer satisfaction is the wrong target​

  • When you fail to find supporters, establish customers, secure investors, and close the deal because you fail to do whatever it takes to get the job done and then you hide under the excuse of protecting brand and customer satisfaction, you'd just as soon have a shovel in your hand and dig your own grave.
  • Customer service is the wrong target, increasing customers is the right target. This doesn’t mean customer satisfaction isn't important.
  • The attainment of customer is paramount to customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction cannot exist without a customer. And the attainment of the customer is the most important thing.
  • Brands that truly deliver customer satisfaction don’t talk about customer service; they focus on customer acquisition. Emerging organizations first need people to know about them, then do everything they can to make them happy. Remember, customer satisfaction cannot exist without a customer first.
  • The proper order of objectives:
    • Acquire customer (via an amazing product or service that you've worked on at 10X levels to create)
    • Impress them with how great you are during the acquisition process
    • Establish customer loyalty (through repeat purchases, support, word-of-mouth marketing. Etc.)
  • Have you ever been surveyed by a company that you didn’t buy from?
    • I have no idea.
  • What is more important than customer satisfaction?
    • Customer acquisition
    • 10X rule of action to develop good product and service to acquire more customer.
  • Why do most businesses fail?
    • Companies fail not because they offend customers but because they don’t take enough action to make these individuals customers in the first place.
  • What might be some survey questions you could use when you don't acquire a customer?
    • How long you were here?
    • Did you meet a manager?
    • Were you shown optional products?
    • Were you presented with proposal?
    • Did anyone offer to bring the product to your home/office?

20. Omnipresence​

  • What does is omnipresent?
    • The word omnipresence conveys the concept of being everywhere-in all place, at all times.
  • Your name is your most important asset. [people] can take everything away from you--but they can't take your name.
  • What steps do you need to take to become omnipresent?
    • Massive action in progress your success to get people to know you, which means that you have to get attention. The more attention you get, the more places you will be; the more people you are with, the more you can be anywhere. And all of this will improve your chances of using your good name to do good work.
    • The higher your purpose, the more fuel it will provide for your 10X actions. This is what it takes to rocket to omnipresence. People of fame and influence achieve this status because they are compelled to fulfill their purpose by writing books, doing interviews, blogging, writing articles, accepting speaking engagements, and saying yes constantly to get attention for themselves, their companies, and their projects. These are the results of thinking big. This isn’t a grind; this is passion.
  • What is the upside of taking so much action that the marketplace makes you name synonymous with what it is you represent?
  • What is the best way to get revenge against your critics?
    • The best revenge is massive success

21. Excuse​

  • What is the difference between an excuse and a reason?
    • Excuses are never the reason for why you did or didn’t do something. They just a revision of the facts that you make up in order to help yourself feel better about what happened (or didn’t)
  • Excuse are for people who refuse to take responsibility for their life and how it turns out. And excuse will never improve your situation.
  • Engaging in self-pity and excuse making are signs that someone has an extremely minimal degree of responsibility.
  • Once you adopt a more advanced sense of responsibility--and refuse to make any more excuse-- then you can go out and search for a solution
  • What are the two things you know about excuse?
    • Excuse is a sign that you don’t take full responsibility and accountability.
    • Excuse will never make the condition better, you have to stop making excuse and start making massive action to attain success.
  • What excuse have you been using?
    • Blame my supervisor for my difficult thesis.

22. Successful or Unsuccessful​

The only way to be successful is to take the same actions that successful people take. And these following list are ways you should act in order to be successful.

  1. Have a "can Do" attitude
    1. People with a "can do" attitude approach every situation with the outlook that no matter what, it can be done.
  2. Believe that ' I will figure it out"
    1. This attitude refers to the individual who is always looking to be responsible and solve a problem.
    2. No one values a person who not only doesnt have the information but doesn’t want to know the information.
  3. Focus on opportunity
    1. Successful people see all situations -- even problems and complaints -- as opportunities.
    2. Success is overcoming a challenge. You cant succeed without some kind of difficulty. It doesn’t really matter what the challenge is; as long as you handle it adequately, you'll be rewarded.
    3. The bigger problem is the bigger opportunity
  4. Love challenge
    1. Highly successful individuals are compelled and invigored by challenges.
    2. Challenges are the experiences that sharpen successful people's abilities.
    3. To achieve your goals, you have to get to a place where every challenge becomes fuel for you.
    4. The more you win in life, the higher your potential will be-- and the more you will grow to love challenges.
  5. Seek to solve problems.
    1. Some industries actually create problems so that they can "solve" them by way of selling their products to you.
    2. The bigger the problems - and the more people who benefit from the solution- the more powerful your success will be.
  6. Persist until successful
    1. Persistence is a great advantage to anyone who wants to multiply his or her success-because most other people have given up on their innate ability to persist.
    2. You will have to learn how to persist through all type of situation, because it's not something people have or don’t have, it's something you have to develop if you want to have it.
  7. Take risk
    1. The successful are willing to take gambles-to put it all out there and know, regardless of the outcome, that they can go back and do it again.
    2. They allow themselves to be criticized, looked at, and seen by the world - while the unsuccessful hold back and play safe.
  8. Be unreasonable
    1. Being unreasonable requires that you act without rational consideration and not in accordance with practical realities.
    2. Successful people recognize how vital it is to act without reason.
    3. There will never be airplane, internet, lamp, etc. if the unreasonable man don’t develop it where majority people don’t believe it during that time.
    4. Be one of the unreasonable one, they usually the person who make a huge difference in our world
  9. Dangerous
    1. To do something big, you have to embrace danger. The way to ensure that danger doesn’t kill you is to be sufficiently trained so that you can get into the ring and come out the victor.
  10. Create wealth
    1. The very successful know that the money is already created. They think in terms of generating wealth through the exchange of new ideas, products, services, and solution.
    2. The very successful realize that they're not bound by shortages.
    3. Figure out how to create wealth through the exchange of great ideas, quality service, and effective problem solving.
    4. Move your attention from conserving money to creating wealth, and you'll be thinking as successful people do.
  11. Readily take action
    1. The highly successful take unbelievable amounts of action. Regardless of what take action looks like, these people rarely do nothing -even when they are on vacation.
    2. Successful people assume that their future achievements rely on investing in actions that may not pay off today but that when taken consistently and persistently over time will sooner or later bear fruit.
    3. Your ability to take action will be a major factor in determining your potential success--and is a discipline that you should spend time on daily.
  12. Always say "YES"
    1. The eagerly engage in life and realize that the world "yes' has more life and possibilities in it-and is clearly so much more positive than "no".
    2. Say yes for now until you become so successful that you are forced to add "no" to your arsenal and start managing your time and efforts.
    3. It will propel you to new adventures, new solutions, and new levels of success.
  13. Habitually commit
    1. The successful fully and consistently commit to activities--some of which require to put all on the line. It also relates to operating with some level of danger and refusing to play it safe.
    2. Commitment is a sign that someone is pledging him-or herself completely to a position, issue, or action.
    3. Commitment are not something for which you can make excuses, nor are they something you negotiate with or on which you can "give up".
  14. Go all the way
    1. Half measures achieved us nothing
    2. Only those who go all the way and see things through until they're done experience the rewards that the workplace has to offer. Until an action is turned into a success, it is not done.
    3. Commit to being completely unreasonable and going all the way. Don't accept any excuses! No settling allowed!
  15. Focus on "NOW"
    1. There exist only two times for successful: now and the future.
    2. "NOW" is the period of time that successful people utilize most often to create the futures they desire in order to dominate their environments.
    3. You must acquire the discipline, muscle memory, and achievements that result from taking massive action--while others think, plan, and procrastinate.
    4. Taking action immediately allows the most successful to design the future they desire.
    5. The successful understand that they must keep taking actions now. They're well aware that procrastination is the ultimate weakness.
    6. You will be amazed how much you can get done when you quit thinking, calculating, and procrastinating and just get on with it and make a habit of acting now.
    7. Action is necessary-and there is no time more valuable than now
    8. The person who continues to do more consistently will improve his or her skill set out of sheer survival and adjustment.
    9. Discipline yourself to perform now-not later-and I assure you that the volume of endeavors you are undertaking will quickly increase the quality of work-and propel you to move with enhanced conviction and certainty.
  16. Demonstrate courage
    1. Courage comes to those who act, not to those who think, wait and wonder. The only way to hone this trait is by taking action.
    2. Attack, dominate, and keep your attention on the future, and then continue to repeat your actions-and your courage will grow.
    3. Do things that scare you more frequently, and they will slowly begin to scare you a bit less-until they become so habitual that you wonder why you ever feared them in the first place!
  17. Embrace change
    1. The successful keep an eye out for what is coming next. They seek out potential, upcoming market transformations and embrace them instead of rejecting them.
    2. The successful look at how the world is shifting and apply this to how they might improve their operations and grow their advantage.
  18. Determine and take the right approach
    1. The successful know that they can quantify what works and what doesn’t work, whereas the unsuccessful focus solely on "hard work"
    2. Successful people figure out how to work "smart" and handle the situation by finding and using the right approach until they succeed.
    3. Successful people invest time, energy, and money in improving themselves.
  19. Break traditional ideas.
    1. The most successful of the successful go beyond the concept of mere change and challenge traditional thinking. -facebook, google, apple, etc. they create new ways of doing things.
    2. The successful are called "thought leader" who design the future with forward thinking.
    3. The successful are willing to challenge tradition in order to discover new and better ways to accomplish their goals and dreams.
  20. Be goal-Oriented
    1. If you don’t stay focused on your goals, you will spend your life achieving the objectives of other people-particularly those who are goal-oriented.
  21. Be on a mission
    1. Successful employees, employers, entrepreneurs, and market changer consider their daily activities to be part of a more important mission that will change things significantly.
    2. Until you start approaching your job as though you are on a mission, it will always be reduced to "just a job."
  22. Have a high level of motivation
    1. Highly successful people continually seek and uncover reasons to stay perpetually provoked to new levels of success. This may be why successful people are never satisfied. They are constantly stimulated to higher levels of action and achievements.
  23. Be interested In results
    1. Results (not effort) -regardless of the challenges, resistance, and problems-are primary focus of the successful
  24. Have big goals and dreams
    1. The middle class are taught to be realistic, whereas the successful think in terms of how extensively they can spread themselves.
    2. Dream big, go big, and then figure out how to go bigger than that! Read everything you can about great people and great companies' accomplishments. Surround yourself with everything you can that inspires you to think big, act big, and reach your full potential.
  25. Create your own reality
    1. The successful aren't interested in what other people deem possible or impossible, they only care about producing the things they dream are possible.
  26. Commit first-figure out later
    1. Committing first means getting 100 percent behind whatever it is you are committing to before you figure out every detail. This is what allows small companies and wild entrepreneurs to outmaneuver other bigger, richer competitors.
    2. Creativity and problem solving are stimulated only after a person fully commits.
  27. Be highly ethical
    1. It doesn’t matter how much success you amass. Going to jail would be an immediate disqualifier.
    2. Making an effort without a result is not ethical because it is a form of lying to yourself and failing to fulfill your obligations and commitments.
  28. Be interested in the group
    1. You can only do as well as the people around you. If everyone around you is sick, underperforming, and struggling, then sooner or later you will become afflicted like everyone else.
    2. You want everyone on your team winning and improving because this is likely to improve your game. For that reason, you always want to do everything you can to bring the rest of the team to higher levels.
  29. Be dedicated to continuous learning
    1. 1. The most successful CEOs are reported to read an average of 60 books and attain more than six conferences per year-whereas the average American worker reads an average of less than one book and makes 319 times less income
    2. 2. They approach a $30 book as though it has the potential to make them a million dollars. They see opportunity to train and educate themselves as the most solid and sure investment they can make,
  30. Be uncomfortable
    1. Successful people are willing to put themselves in new and unfamiliar situation to grow, because getting too comfortable, too relaxed and too familiar causes a person to become soft ad lose his or her creativity and hunger to stay out front.
  31. "Reach UP" in Relationships
    1. The successful constantly talk about having people around them who are smarter, brighter, and more creative.
    2. Make habit of "reaching up" in all your relationships-toward people who are better connected, better educated, and even more successful.
    3. You have to interact with people who are better than you. It's the only way to become better yourself.
  32. Be disciplined
    1. Discipline is what you use to complete any activity until the activity - regardless of how uncomfortable - becomes your normal operating procedure.

23. Getting started with 10X​

  • There are only two times that exist for successful people. You want to focus to some degree on how but keep most of your attention on the future your desire to create.
  • Act now and then keep acting with the knowledge that enough actions taken now will create the future.
  • Start with first thing first; make your list of goals, then a list of actions that will propel you in that direction. Then-without over-thinking it-start taking those actions.
  • A few things to keep in mind as you start:
    • Don’t reduce your goals as you write them.
    • Don’t get lost in the details of how to accomplish them at this point.
    • Ask yourself, "what actions can I take today to move me toward these goals?"
    • Take whatever actions you come up with - regardless of what they are or how you feel.
    • Don’t prematurely value the outcome of your action.
    • Go back each day and review the list
  • Training and learning are absolutely critical to your follow-through and the development of courage, persistence, unreasonable thinking, and especially discipline.
  • Big thinking, massive actions, expansion, and risk taking are necessary for your survival and future growth.

Remember: Success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility, and by thinking at 10X levels and taking 10X actions, I am certain you will create more success than you have even dreamed of!