Computer Vision Notes Summary
Useful Website​
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Recent Deep Learning Publications from Top-tier Conferences​
- Image Classification: [Krizhevsky et al.], [Russakovsky et al.], [Szegedy et al.], [Simonyan et al.], [He et al.], [Huang et al.], [Hu et al.] [Zoph et al.]
- Object detection: [Girshick et al.], [Ren et al.], [He et al.]
- Image segmentation: [Long et al.] [Noh et al.] [Chen et al.]
- Video classification: [Karpathy et al.], [Simonyan and Zisserman] [Tran et al.] [Carreira et al.] [Wang et al.]
- Scene classification: [Zhou et al.]
- Face recognition: [Taigman et al.] [Schroff et al.] [Parkhi et al.]
- Depth estimation: [Eigen et al.]
- Image-to-sentence generation: [Karpathy and Fei-Fei], [Donahue et al.], [Vinyals et al.] [Xu et al.] [Johnson et al.]
- Visualization and optimization: [Szegedy et al.], [Nguyen et al.], [Zeiler and Fergus], [Goodfellow et al.], [Schaul et al.]
Popular computer vision datasets​
- ImageNet: a large-scale image dataset for visual recognition organized by WordNet hierarchy
- SUN Database: a benchmark for scene recognition and object detection with annotated scene categories and segmented objects
- Places Database: a scene-centric database with 205 scene categories and 2.5 millions of labelled images
- NYU Depth Dataset v2: a RGB-D dataset of segmented indoor scenes
- Microsoft COCO: a new benchmark for image recognition, segmentation and captioning
- Flickr100M: 100 million creative commons Flickr images
- Labeled Faces in the Wild: a dataset of 13,000 labeled face photographs
- Human Pose Dataset: a benchmark for articulated human pose estimation
- YouTube Faces DB: a face video dataset for unconstrained face recognition in videos
- UCF101: an action recognition data set of realistic action videos with 101 action categories
- HMDB-51: a large human motion dataset of 51 action classes
- ActivityNet: A large-scale video dataset for human activity understanding
- Moments in Time: A dataset of one million 3-second videos